Above is nick with my postcard :)
Well I have been so busy lately I have had little time for blogging...
I have had many admirers contact me lately wondering where I am- well, I have been BUSY in the studio painting, but not every day like before and so the space is so luxurious! Been playing drums each time I go and paint (more times playing drums tha working- naughty girl I am), and am getting pretty good I must say! We are setting up some sound equipment there soon for recording so watch out- some music is on it's way for my fans :)
Speaking of music I caught up with my delightful muse Mr Nick Cave only recently!
I gave him a gift that being a Louis Wain postcard- antique from 1905 and it says "everybody loves you' it is a fortune telling card since I am into that kind of thing.
He also signed my personal one for my wall which says "You will meet a dark man with an unexpected gift" hehe- how apt.
Warren and I had a chat after the show, he is a very warm guy and not to mention a little crazy...
It was funny because my boyfriend was taking a photo of Warren and i and Nick got in the way and Rob said "Oh come on, move out of the way Nick, you're spoiling the shot" lol.
The I said Oh come on Nick, let's have one together, so he came and hugged me and said
"Don't worry about HIM, baby"
This is the image in sketch format-am going to paint it :)

I was front row centre, my regular spot, and this time Nick sang a few songs to me- had me sing into the Mic back and forth during "Pappa won't leave you Henry" And then later on during "Moonland" which is the sexiest fucking song ever, he stood right in front of me, thrusting his delicious sexy ***manhood*** in my face singing "I need YOU, i Need YOU" like a possessed man.. so wild and organic it has to be seen,soooo
I will be uploading my amateur footage somewhere soon! It's just raw animal energy.....I am still buzzing- he has that effect on me and makes me realize i can do anything!
Thank you my darling man!
Oh how funny is this... selling FAKE mustaches as merchandise lol he has a wicked sense of humour not to mention marketing sense.
That'll keep me going for the next 12 months til we meet again!