One of my most memorable commisions of note was for a an amzing couple, a Cardiologist, and his wife who also happens to be a Dr of Paediatrics, who reside in the USA
I had the pleasure of corresponding with Eric and Nicole over a couple of weeks in 2006 as I worked on creating a unique piece for the family to hang in their family room, referred to as their "Sanctuary".
I was fortunate enough to be able to view images of their gorgeous home, which is very stylish and modern with simple, clean minimal lines and vast expanses and white walls. The views to the garden were provided through the existance of large feature windows which create a beautiful harmonious melding of the two worlds, the inner sanctum of their home and the magnificent natural beauty of the woods in the garden outside.
The H. family were wishing for a piece of art which would represent the harmony between the two loving parents with their adorable new born baby girl. We worked very closely on ideas and decided upon painting a triptych which symbolises the 3 individuals within the family, and also the close loving bond they all shared. Above all else I wanted to create a work of art which would compliment their sanctuary, and bring a further sense of peace and tranquility to their home.
The results can been seen in the following images- and the family were very happy and surprised ( Nicole was unaware of the surprise her loving husband had organised for her and their beautiful daughter!)
I truly appreciate their support of my art, and their offering of these photos for use on my website.
Here are some of my other paintings which have been making waves over the past few years on ebay! (FULL CATALOGUE SOON!)
Thanks to my collectors, for all of your support!