Tuesday, August 12, 2008


Well I have the official invitation for my exhibition in Bondi- will be posting it out this week- 150 invites to my personal guests in the Sydney region, via snail-mail!
Will keep me busy stuffing them tonight :)

I am excited to annouce that there will be an official guest speaker- will let you know soon but will keep it as a surprise for now :)

After Bondi it's off the New York- still finalising dates but it's all happening!

If you are requiring an invitation and live outside of the Sydney region please let me know as R.S.V.P's need to be sent before the opening night. I will mail some out to you...


p.s. Hi Sandra , I know you'll read this...... Got your bag it's beautiful! I took it with me today- really love the red! It's gorgeous..... And you know what else? I actually received 3 bags in total as gifts on my birthday , each one uniquely different, and I had given one to my girlfriend as her birthday presnt. And then I also got 2 gorgeous mirror compacts from 2 seperate people- weird huh?
Oh and I was spoilt- was given the ltd edition leatherbound "And the Ass Saw the Angel"- worth around $1000!!!!!!! It's ltd to only 75 in the world and I have number 61 :)
Has Nick's autograph inside too- so thats now 2 of his signatures that I have, one personally addressed to Sej :) Lucky me!

Can't wait to chat when you get back- not long now!
We will be moving a.s.a.p...just sorting through a few things- the studio awaits :) We'll have to have a party when we get down there!
