Sunday, July 20, 2008

Painting Pictures...

Above is Adele- she's like me it's not funny- red hair and all. I even write songs like her... the composition is SO out of my repitoire... maybe she's a lost relative?

Busy times of late have prevented me from blogging very often- to be honest it may be that soon, I won't be likely to blog at all... I mean who really wants to hear what I have to say as opposed to SEE what I have to say. If I were a great writer i'd be selling books, not paintings :P

I do have some exciting news- those collectors of mine in the Sydney area (a little over 100 at last count!) will be recieving an exclusive invitation to my upcoming exhibition in Bondi. Of course anyone is welcome to attend if you're in the area, I'll be posting details soon.

Thanks Ray, if you're reading this fingers crossed for the upcoming New York show! I hope your sister enjoys her gift :)

That's all for now...

